My Health & fitness
I was always "big". As a healthy 6ft/160lb 16 year old girl, I was always a bit different than the other girls around me, heck even most of the boys! Let's just say I learnt the meaning of more than a number on the scale, early in my life! I was just built big. I loved my big size though and used it in sports to my advantage all throughout school. Once sports stopped however and life at a desk happened, the weight piled on. Add in a pregnancy down the road and well, I had become an exhausted, stressed out, cheese addicted, stay-at-home mom when my weight reached a record high. When I saw my official "Obese" weight classification, something changed for me though. I was done feeling bad about my body, lacking energy, having low confidence, but most of all, really scared at how unhealthy I had become.
I needed to be healthier for myself first and foremost, but also for my family and to be a better role model for my child. Just like that, I had my "why". I decided and then committed to change. I started watching my nutrition by tracking macros and incorporated 30-45 minutes of resistance training 4-5 days a week with a few days of bike riding with my boys in the bike trailer and/or jump rope for cardio. With hard work, dedication, and consistency, I made slow but steady progress over a total of 2 years. I found great success getting healthier by losing around 70lbs going from >40% body fat to 21.1% body fat. Plus as exciting for me was lowering my resting heart rate from 73bpm down to averaging 53bpm!
Before I knew it, we were blessed with our second son! I brought him into the world safe and sound, but my life was almost cut short. Emergency surgery and transfusions saved my life and with that, my health & fitness journey took on a whole new meaning! I was left with an overwhelming sense of gratitude for what my body is capable of. As Tolkien wrote “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” I was going to make darn sure that I dedicate my time to make my body as healthy & strong as it could be! I was progressing along in my health & fitness journey. I even earned my Personal Trainer Certificate along the way and started my Nutritionist Certification, all to level up my own skill set, learn as much as I possibly could, and maybe even inspire others one day in the future, because I thought I had time...and then of course, life happened again...
I was involved in a severe motor vehicle accident where I sustained numerous injuries and was lucky to be alive. My life would be forever altered however. It will remain one of the most defining days of my life. I not only have physical scars, but I went from being a newly Certified Personal Trainer who was active everyday, to needing help to shower and get dressed. This created a mental toll that I did not expect. The process of defeat and picking yourself back up again, is one of the hardest things in the world. I was in a dark place honestly. Every little movement hurt just to get to a seated position on my bed. Sitting there, I was able to look out onto my deck, where I used to jump rope almost daily, but yet there I was, unable to even stand without help. After a bit of a pity party, I swore I would get myself strong enough to jump rope once again! Sometimes bad things will happen in life. Although you can't change that, you can always choose how you react. I choose to stay positive, persevere and become stronger from it. I choose to find comfort in the fact that I can feel pain and discomfort because it reminds me that I'm blessed to still be alive to feel. I also focus on how lucky I am that my injuries weren't more severe. Things can always be worse! My Doctors even mentioned that being in shape and having good muscle mass was a positive thing for my overall recovery. Once again my body came through for me, reaffirming my dedication to it as I continue on the road to recovery.
Sometimes bad things will happen in life. Although you can't change that, you can always choose how you react.
Besides making me even more grateful for my life, this experience has made me try to be a better person, both personally and professionally. It has motivated me to live each day while it's here and just like that, Jenelle Hilsen Health & Fitness was born! Through this new view of what health & fitness is for me, I really try to highlight that although we all want to look good, it's not only about physical looks and getting that 'perfect' shape for whatever upcoming event. Instead I hope to really embody and emphasize the importance of being healthy first, respecting our bodies and keeping our precious mobility by maintaining an active, independent life as we age. The looking good will undoubtedly be a side affect of consistently working and taking care of the body. Through this view, I have been able to adopt and embrace different techniques, which allow me to be a better, well rounded coach.
Health & fitness FOR LIFE.
I'm very grateful for my body, how it's healing and what it continues to be capable of everyday. I choose to eat to fuel my body the best I can and prioritize exercise to de-stress and respect myself, so I am able to age with as much mobility and vitality as possible while setting a good example for my family. Hopefully my boys grow up in an environment where they will learn to value their own health one day.
As a mother, wife, personal trainer and someone striving to be the best version of myself, whenever I start to feel overwhelmed, I pause and refocus on the important role that gratitude plays in my own journey. Wherever you are in your journey, you can always start to appreciate all that your body does for you and imagine what it's capable of with just a little support. I would genuinely love to be the one to help you as you navigate your own path to your healthiest self. If you're ready, let's do this!​​