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    Using a flexible macro-based approach, get 8 weeks of lifestyle friendly, personalized nutrition through my app, so you can stop dieting and find balance.
    Valid for 8 weeks
    • 8 week access to my App powered by Trainerize
    • Personalized calorie & macro targets
    • In-app meal tracking & custom macro meals + recipes
    • Nutrition monitoring with weekly accountability emails
    • My Nutrition Program Guide
    • In-app messaging with me


    Get 8 weeks of online training through my app, tailored to your goals to help start your fitness journey to a stronger, healthier body.
    Valid for 8 weeks
    • 8 week access to my App powered by Trainerize
    • A personalized 8 week online fitness program
    • In-app messaging with me
    • My Online Fitness Guide
    • 15% off current Client renewals*

    For women serious about changing their bodies, combine an 8 week personalized fitness plan with nutrition coaching and unlimited support so you have everything you need to truly transform yourself.
    Valid for 8 weeks
    • 8 week access to my App powered by Trainerize
    • A personalized 8 week online fitness program
    • 8 weeks of nutrition coaching with weekly check-ins
    • Personalized calorie & macro targets
    • In-app meal tracking & custom macro meal receipes
    • Program progress tracking & compliance monitoring
    • Unlimited in-app messaging with me
    • My Online Fitness & Nutrition Guides

* Thank you very much for your interest but please note that in order to provide the best individualized service I possibly can, I am only able to take a certain number of Clients on at a given time, so there might be a short wait at different times of the year. Not to worry though, as this changes weekly! Once I receive notice of your program purchase, I will connect with you & we will discuss a start date for your program. Thank you in advance for your understanding!


* 15% off is for current Clients only.

App Features

What's inside?

Jenelle Hilsen Health & Fitness Trainerize App

- Scheduled To Do's with reminders

- Drag & drop items to fit your week

- Track all your workouts

- Built in timers

- Video demonstrations

- Exercise instructions & tips

- Connect wearables & track health stats

- In-app messaging

- Track all exercises in one place

- Add meals & track nutrition

- Develop & track healthy habits

- Earn achievements & badges

Jenelle Hilsen Health & Fitness Trainerize App

If you're unhappy with your body, overwhelmed, tired of unsustainable dieting or just feel stuck, I was in your shoes and would love to help you navigate the intimidating world of health & fitness. It took me years of trial and error, and what I've come to find out is it really doesn't have to be complicated! With a focus on adopting a positive mindset, eating balanced calories to fuel your body, resistance training and moving your body as much as possible throughout the day, prioritizing yourself and staying fit & healthy for life is absolutely within your reach, and it's never too late to start!​​​​


Sounds great but how does this happen? It all comes down to having a structured plan. As Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote "A goal without a plan is just a wish". I will create your plan according to your goals, removing a lot of time, effort and struggle for you. As important as the plan, is that you feel supported along the way, because sometimes all you need is to have someone in your corner and be accountable to. I will do my part to help keep you on track if needed and to be there for you whether you need advice or just some encouragement. That said, I can't do the work for you! You will get out of your program, what you put in. You actually have to put the work in, for each workout, and in the kitchen if you want to see some real change, and honestly, new habits are challenging at first. Just remember that it's in those moments of discomfort that you grow the most! New habits will eventually stick and you'll begin to form a new routine that fits your life.


In terms of how I train, I really try to keep the focus on functional fitness so we can do the things we love, with the ones we love. Keeping in mind the unique needs of women, I use resistance training through weights, mini bands, bodyweight and depending on what your goals are, a mix of cardiovascular fitness, posture, balance and/or flexibility training. No trendy workouts or quick fixes with me, but if you do commit and put in the real work, you can expect real life changes like:​


LOOKS GREAT, what's next?

If you're ready to get started, simply sign up online above or if you're more comfortable, send me a message below.


I've tried to ensure the onboarding process is as straight forward as it can be. Once you've purchased a program through the website, I'll get notified and reach out to discuss a start date. As soon as I have space to take you on, I will proceed to set you up in my system. You will then be sent instructions with a link to download my App. You will need to set up an account once you download the app and will be prompted to fill out a couple of necessary personal training forms(which would be the same if we trained in-person), including a consultation form. This will cover things including your goals, current level of fitness, access to equipment and overall lifestyle. You will also upload your body stats to better help me understand your body type so I can make the best program for you. Then, depending on your program, I will give you access to my Nutrition Guide and/or my Online Fitness Guide. They cover a lot of information for your program with me, so please take some time to read through. I'll throw in an old military adage I personally love, the Seven P's, "Proper prior planning prevents piss poor performance".


After this initial onboarding process, I will review everything and create your individualized 8 week program. I offer between 3-5 days per week, depending on your goals and how many days you want to commit to. For most women just starting out, I like to recommend starting with just 3 or 4 days per week. Now I realize reading this, all excited about a new fitness program you might be tempted to go with the most days possible, thinking faster results! I have seen this backfire many times for women just starting out however. Once the excitement wears off of your new program(and it does sorry to say), real life will happen and then you're left to rely on only your motivation. That's the problem and it happens to the best of us. Too many times we rely on only our motivation to get us through, when it's actually more about starting with a plan that we can consistently stick to. If you focus on establishing a solid foundation first, I promise you'll create a much more positive mindset!


Also contributing to a positive mindset, are workouts that can be a quick and effective use of your time. I make sure to time each workout, keeping them at around 40 minutes or less. Note that when you're just starting out, my workouts might take you longer to complete, but not to worry, you'll get more efficient with time. The first 4 weeks of your program will be ready for your review at least 48hr before whatever start date we will establish so you can familiarize yourself with the exercises in the workouts before hand. This will also help keep your workout time down, because you'll spend less time on your phone.


Hopefully that helps give you an idea of what to expect, but please feel free to contact me with any questions before signing up for a program, or if everything looks good, go ahead and get started!

Maya Angelou

THINGS TO CONSIDER ABOUT online fitness... 

Many woman are successful with online fitness, but I understand it's not going to be for everyone. Only you know what's going to work for you! With that said, this might not be for you if: 


You can't or don't like using technology or are uncomfortable learning online. We will be using a smartphone app (or tablet/computer) for delivery and communication. You do need some basic technical understanding of how to perform various exercises, so be honest and if learning through an online format just won't work for you, then in-person training might be the way to go;

You are looking for face to face, socializing. Even with video calls and check-ins, my app does not replace the in-person experience;

You want a new, different workout all the time. I might be old school but I know of many trainers that agree with me; the best results come from keeping it simple, repetition and progression over time.
You want to be dripping with sweat and sore after every workout; Not to say my workouts won't challenge you and make you feel them but if you are someone who craves those high intensity sessions, my training style definitely won't be a good match for you.

You want a program with no equipment. Although my at-home workout style requires a very minimal amount of equipment, it does still require you to have the basics such as resistance bands and some dumbbells.

Jenelle Hilsen Health & Fitness 3 day workout split with high protein recipes

Not ready for a program quite yet?


Subscribe to my email list to get my latest and greatest sent directly to your inbox! As a welcome, I'll send you free printable PDFs including a 3 day workout split for beginners, 3 days of high protein meal ideas with recipes, plus the grocery list!

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Proudly living & serving Redwater, AB
as well as surrounding communities.
Let's thrive and be our healthiest selves!

© 2025 Jenelle Hilsen        Legal Stuff

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I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

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